Буддийска Ступа в Процеві

Buddhist Stupa in Lesniki

Buddhist Stupa in Lesniki

Stupa of Enlightenment in the Lesniki near Kiev. Was built and consecrated by Lama Sonam Dorje (Lama Oleg) in 2012.

With the help of the volunteers of the Buddhist Kiev sangha (community).

I had the honor to take part in the construction of the Stupa as an artist.
I drew traditional Tibetan patterns for the Stupa, which were later transferred to the Stupa with
using traditional ancient hand-made technology. Together with other artists-volunteers, I painted the Stupa.

 Lama Oleg (Sonam Dorje)
is the first Russian Lama, a disciple of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche and Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche,
who underwent traditional training in Nepal. He completed three
traditional retreats with a total duration of 10 years (1997-2000, 2001-2005, 2014-2017).
Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche personally confirmed at his Moscow retreats
the authority of Lama Oleg to explain the Chokling Tersar practices,
referring to him as a fully qualified lama.
To date, he has built 18 stupas in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Austria,
Africa (Sierra Leone) and South America (Colombia).
He built the first Buddhist temple in the Moscow region, opened the first retreat center in Colombia.
Periodically gives teachings in Russia, Ukraine, Europe, Asia and South America.

Immediately after the erection of the Stupa, at the end of its decoration,
the ceremony of consecration of the Stupa of Enlightenment took place.


The ceremony of consecration of the Stupa of Enlightenment
Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche made, with the participation of Lama Lama Sonam Dorje.



At the opening ceremony

At the opening ceremony

Buddhist Stupa in Lesniki

The ceremony of consecration of the Stupa of Enlightenment 
Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche made, with the participation of Lama Lama Sonam Dorje.

Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche -
tibetan Buddhist teacher and meditation master.
He is the abbot of Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery in Kathmandu, Nepal,
founder of the Ranjung Yeshe Institute.








Buddhist Stupa in Lesniki






Buddhist Stupa in Lesniki

The uniqueness of this Stupa is that many professionals,
artists and other volunteers gathered together and in a short time of about 8 days
created a very beautiful Stupa that fully complies
with all Buddhist canons and Tibetan traditions



 Some volunteers lived at this time in a tent camp near the Stupa.


 Working together has created a friendship for years to come.

Ancient technology hand made

Ancient technology hand made

Buddhist Stupa in Lesniki






Buddhist Stupa in Lesniki


Five elements - five wisdoms

Five elements - five wisdoms

Buddhist Stupa in Lesniki





Buddhist Stupa in Lesniki



All-fulfilling jewel

All-fulfilling jewel

Buddhist Stupa in Lesniki



Stupa decorations

Stupa decorations

Buddhist Stupa in Lesniki





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